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Mini Metal Copper Creeps Pins

In addition to the brand new Mini Metal Copper Creeps figures there is also a new range of pins.

The same mini sculpts cast in the same solid, polished metal as the figures
but each character is a pin.

So you can wear them out on your adventures and display your love of monsters to the world.

Choose from the Bride and the Monster.

Each one comes carded for just $10.

Launching at Designer Con.
They will be available online after the show.

Mini Metals!

Introducing a new addition to the Copper Creeps line.

Mini Metals!
They are Mini and they are Metal!

Solid, foundry cast metal versions of the Creeps you love so much.
Series one is launching at Designer Con.

The Bride is 1.75″ tall.
The Monster is 1.25″ and a chunky little nugget.

Each is lightly aged and polished and comes bagged
for the also tiny price of only $10.

They will be available online after the show.

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Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

Halloween is nearly here again. Hurrah!
And just for the fun of it we decided to create a new Copper Creeps photo spread, in a Halloween style.
The complete range of Copper Creeps figures enjoy some frolics among some seasonal gourds.

All eight of the figures are still available to purchase in their open edition “Bronze or “pewter”” finishes. Also a limited amount of the Mono Handpainted versions are still available. The Phantom, Imhotep, The Wolfman and The Gillman can still be purchased in their rare Monotone painted styles direct from the online store.

Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

Copper Creeps Classic movie monsters in a robotic form by Bruce Whistlecraft. Doktor A. Resin cast figures.

How to make a Monster…

Basic Materials Monster

Copper Creeps are now digital creations. They are made the old fashioned way, by hand. I realise that in this day and age this is a novel idea so I thought I would show you how I did it.

This is how I made the master form of the Monster for series 1.

The photo above shows what I am using for this prototype master sculpt. More of a construct than a sculpt.
Acrylic geometric forms. Styrene sheet. Acrylic and Styrene rod and tube. Lead tape. Some plastic hemispheres. And some epoxy putty.


My tools for this job. All hand tools apart from a mini Dremel type drill not shown for bulky cutting and sanding, of which there is not much. As I am mostly using acrylic and styrene I am chemically welding more than gluing. Using Dychloromethane.

Monster Basic form

The form is constructed from the various Acrylic shapes, cut and welded together and then fine sanded to give the frosted surface. Any small gaps can be plugged with Epoxy filler.
The hairline and collars were added in thin Lead sheet which is easy to contour around the compound curves.
The rivets are small styrene domes found in a hobby supply store.
Some rub down and finishing required before molding but he came together nicely.
Three days work so far.

Monster Switch in Progress

This is the power switch on his back. Mostly made from Styrene sheet. The blue switch crossbar is acrylic rod which was tuned to shape.

Monster mutiview

Some more views of the piece.

Monster Red Primed Back

The whole thing is given several coats of primer and wet sanded back to get a nice smooth finish before going for molding and casting.

MonsterPrimed Front

A final top coat of primer before he heads off.

It’s Alive!.. Alive!

MonoCopper Creeps Wave1and 2Welcome to the brand new Copper Creeps website.
Enter freely and of your own will…

Copper Creeps are a series of resin figures inspired by famous movie monsters of the past.
Each of these iconic horrors have been re-imagined with a minimalist vintage mechanical style.
Designed and created by award winning UK artist Doktor A. the Creeps stand apart from his ongoing Mechtorian world, whilst being familiar in tone to his existing fans and easily accessible to new collectors.

Hand made in England and shipped to collectors worldwide.

We hope you enjoy this new range of creature collectibles.